Stephen - "Lanbifootim. Brefeb. Bech. Lunch. Ablony. Mis Mery Mack. Salamanba. Li down afdernoon ty.
Interpretation - Land Before Time on TV. Breakfast. Beach. Abalone. Miss Mary Mack. Salamanda. Lie down. Afternoon tea."
Went to Nelson Bay for breakfast - well Mike had first breakfast there while Tae, Stephen & Eva had 2nd breakfast! Strong westerly blew up once we arrived back at the unit. We went to Fingal beach where it was protected from the wind and was warm. Mike taught Stephen how to play the board game Abalone and Stephen was really good, although easily frustrated :-) Tae & Stephen playd Miss Mary Mack - a hand slapping game. We went to Salamanda to get some groceries, however Stephen & Mike went to EB Games and played FIFA 2010 on the XBox and had great fun. We had a lie down when we got back. Stephen & Mike played Backgammon - another new game for Stephen and we finished 1-1. Just time for Stephen & Mike to have a run on the beach out the front. Stephen made some new friends, Kane & Jai, and then on the way back Mike kicked the Wahoo ball straight into the side of Stephen's head...and it was an accident!
After the kids went to bed Taemar cooked a delicious seafood pasta with prawns & Atlantic Salmon.
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